Octavia's Attic:
ARTifacts From Our Possible Futures
An Exhibition of New Worlds in Honor of a Legendary Writer
— 24 February to 2 March 2016 @ Live Worms Gallery, 1345 Grant Ave., San Francisco, CA 94133 —
— ART ON VIEW ALL DAY — as New Orleans-based performance artist Kaile Glick creates spontaneous prose and poetry (based on Butler's work) for gallery visitors all week.
Parables of the Future
An Interactive Art and Science Event
— Presenting Drama, Poetry, Music, and Cutting-Edge Scientific Research on Time Travel —
— Sat., 27 February, & Sun., 28 February! —
— Showtime Promptly @ 7 p.m. // FREE (Voluntary Donation) —
"Octavia's Attic: ARTifacts From Our Possible Futures" is a curated exhibition of new works by established and emerging artists on the theme “Predictions of the Past, Memories of the Future.”
The show will culminate in "Parables of the Future," a one-night TWO-NIGHT live event on February 27 and February 28, including:
The artwork will be on display from February 24 until March 2.
Featured artists are both emerging creators and those who have displayed work in major institutions, including New York's Museum of Modern Art and San Francisco's Yerba Buena Center. They include (but are not limited to): John Jennings, Stacey Robinson, Daniel McKernan, Nightmare City, Rasheedah Phillips, Brontez Purnell, Paul Lewin, and many more!!!
Intro: Channing Joseph, curator
Octavia Speaks, Part I: How to Predict the Future -- an interactive dramatic performance by Shinnerrie Jackson, directed by Carl Hurvich
The Afrofuture: a poem by Camae Ayewa
Welcome to the Universe: an original songscape by Charles Peoples III
Octavia Speaks, Part II: Write Yourself In
Time Dilations: an autobiographical revelation by Channing Joseph
Octavia’s Telegraph: a poem created in real-time by Kaile Glick on a mindbogglingly advanced typewriter from an alternate reality
Untitled, a dance duet meditating on the fact that “the future is now”: choreography by Brontez Purnell and Wizard Apprentice
Octavia’s Atmosphere: an original poem by née bittersweet
Rewriting History: a comedic exploration of time travel by Duncan Gale
Time Travel 101: University of Connecticut physicist Dr. Ronald L. Mallett discusses his research into how build a time machine, followed by an audience Q&A
Octavia Speaks, Part III: A World Without Racism